Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Round 3......Here we go AGAIN!!!!

Well, I got the results today of my most recent CAT Scan and MRI and they were not good. The tumor in my left lung has grown in size and I have multiple new tumors in my chest and my left armpit.

As for the tumors in my brain, the one in the right temporal lobe still has not changed (which is good). However, the large tumor in my cerebellum has grown. In fact, it has gone into the brain stem. This is serious because it's not just a tumor with definite edges. It has shadowy edges and tendrils that branch out like a jelly-fish and it has entangled itself with the nerve bundles in the brain stem.

The danger is, I've already exposed my brain stem to radiation. If I treat this tumor with Gamma-knife, Cyber-knife, or the other surgical radiation it will expose the brain stem with too heavy a dose and can cause necrosis. Necrosis is where tissue dies. Now the hard part is trying to figure out how much radiation to kill the tumor, but not damage the brain stem.

The risk is necrosis can kill the whole brain stem or parts of it. If the whole brain stem is affected, you cannot survive it. If only a partial area is affected by necrosis, then it can result in stroke and seizure like symptoms (e.g. seizures, paralysis, inability to speak or walk).

So, the specialist I spoke with suggested that we reduce the radiation to a smaller amount and treat the whole brain stem twice a day for 15 days (Usually Gamma-knife, etc., is 3 to 4 treatments at a very high dose). Hopefully, the small doses of radiation will limit the amount of damage to the brain stem. And since there are no definite edges it will get everything, including the tendrils.

After radiation is done, I will start a new chemo (for the fourth time!) because the Tykerb apparently did not work for me. Which, in itself is a blessing because it came in pill form and my insurance considered it a prescription, not a treatment. And according to my health insurance, my portion for prescriptions is 40%. So, I was paying $1,300 a month for this one chemo pill. Hopefully this new chemo is an infusion and not a pill. If it's an infusion, then it is 100% covered. I'll know more about that after radiation comes to a close.

Anyway, that catches you up to speed with my day today. I hope yours was better! :-) I'm still thanking God for his grace and peace He has given me. I'm content and peaceful with being in God's hands. I trust Him and His will for me. God bless you all for your support, prayers, and encouragement. I am greatly appreciative.
